Written on 03/07/2013 at 12:23 pm by eBook-mom
Girlie Books is a retail e-book website that features classic and contemporary e-books entirely written by women. Also included at the Girlie Books website is a wonderful selection of e-books that are available for free. Website creators Laura and Joyce Mcdonald feel that "women authors were not always celebrated and promoted as they are today" not only do they feature women writers but they go out of their way to find "excellent but forgotten books that deserve a wider audience."
Roast Beef got my attention
One of the e-books that got my attention was "Roast Beef Medium: The Business Adventures of Emma McChesney" by American writer, Edna Ferber. Published in 1913, Ferber explores the life of Emma McChesney, a successful traveling saleswoman and divorced mother of 17-year old Jock. What a great book to spend a Sunday afternoon with. I would have never found this book if it hadn't been featured at Girlie Books. Along with authors that aren’t usually showcased at free e-book websites, you can also find authors Jane Austen, Louisa May Alcott, Charlotte Bronte and George Elliot hanging out at Girlie Books.
Hand-crafted e-books
Girlie Books takes pride in hand-crafting and professionally formatting their books in multiple formats. The formats offered are Adobe PDF, ePub, eReader PDB, Kindle/Mobipocket PRC, Microsoft Reader LIT and plain text. You can also purchase the e-book if you want a certain edition for your collection. For example, some of the e-books have illustrations that are not available in the formats that are free. You can purchase the e-book at the reasonable price of .99 cents. If Girlie Books doesn't sell it or provide a copy for free download, they will provide you with a link to a website that does.
Great comments and reviews
If you aren't sure about downloading a copy of an e-book, Girlie Books provides comments by other readers and reviews from Goodreads on their book summary pages. You're also provided with a link to a short bio about the author and tags that help you understand where the e-book fits into the literary timeline. You can even browse e-books by the tags on the summary page. Overall, Girlie Books is a pretty organized website with the full functionality of a good bookstore.
A gang of great gals
I'm really excited about reading Ferber's "Roast Beef Medium". Do you have a favorite female author that you would like to read? At Girlie Books there's a great gang of gals waiting to be read. Isn't it great to have these gals in one place? How many female authors do you have in your e-book collection? I know I'll never have enough. Race you to Girlie Books and let the downloading begin!