Dazed and Confused while using your e-book reader? No Problem: eBook-mom to the rescue!
Whether you are a novice or expert on e-books, it never hurts to have a handbook at the ready to look-up something you've never heard of.
Look below and find the resource that can best help you
Do massive lists of hyper-linked terms scare you as much as they scare me? Whether you're "cyber-brave" or "cyber-timid", learn e-book terms in this glossary.
Have you ever gotten frustrated because you don't know what eBook files your device can read? Check here for a quick information guide.
Ever wanted to buy a used eBook reader at a garage sale, thrift store or Craig's List?
Check-out this eBook index for information about eBook readers that are past their prime (1st generation) but still useful.
Visit this eBook History Project page to learn about the history of the digital word.
Article Index
Dreams to Reality: the Birth of the eBook