Hello My Darling,
I am sorry that it took so long to reply. I had hoped to be able sooner. I know it must frustrate you that I am not able to write sooner. It has become harder for me to type because of the essential tremor and it takes me longer. I have an appointment to see about my deep brain stimulator on January 28. I hope that i can make that happen soon.
I look forward to you being openwith me as I plan to be with you. I want you to just be you...the woman i fell in love and still am. Thats why i came back, i couldnt get out out of my heart and in the end realized i didn't want to, that i still wanted and needed you there...always.
Would you like to start all over or begin anew? I am good with what ever you are comfortable with. I have shared so many things with already but beginning anew has its benefits too.
One thing for some reason google has changed things around and I can no longer get into my nwcdwhiteho email. It makes me sad as all our mail and chats were there along with the pictures of the beautiful woman you are.
With Love Always...
your old man